
So how’d we end up here? Well, while looking for a job, my husband got offered a position here in Berlin. Since the approval for a visa could take up to two months, we took it as our “never gonna happen” fallback plan that filled space in the back of our minds and was never really discussed.

His visa was approved sooner than anyone expected and suddenly, realizing this was the best opportunity he had after months of searching, the fallback plan became the plan. Now what?

I was way against it. My plan was to stay behind, see him every couple months and hope that he would quickly find something else that brought him back home to the good ol’ US of A and business as usual. There was just too much to process to make this type of decision. The only logical thing to do was stay.

We had just bought and finished renovating our second home. My parents moved from Washington state to be with us in Florida and, by the way, I already knew the language here – there was no convincing me.

Obviously, that changed. The more people I spoke to, the more living in Germany started to sound like the adventure of a lifetime. Thankfully my parents were supportive and made the decision feel right. Robert, Annalina and I were off to explore Europe together! I would be afforded the opportunity to not work a full time job and be able to pick Annalina up from school at noon everyday then spend the rest of the day with her. Total win.

Sure, there’s a language barrier, 24-hour time, strangely written dates/numbers and Celsius, Annalina’s allergies and I could go on and on about how stressful the actual moving process was, but who cares?!? We’re here, we’re settled and we’re ready to live this adventure to its fullest!

Thanks for joining us! I’m excited about collecting all kinds of amazing memories – especially for Annalina.
