Venice, Italy

Venice seems to be a place everyone has on their bucket list and I can see why. Most people have a picture in their head of what the island city would look like from the bits and pieces they’ve seen in movies and TV shows, or maybe even the Vegas recreation they have already experienced. I had expectations, but Venice was even more unique than I imagined. I do hope everyone gets to cross this off their list like we have.

We went in the peak of summer. I had concerns after reading reviews saying visiting at this time would be “too hot”, “too smelly” or “too crowded”, but we were willing to take the chance. My parents were also visiting us in Berlin and since Venice was on their bucket list too, we decided to go for it and set out on this adventure together.

Anticipation was building on the 2-mile road bridge connecting the mainland to the island. It was like the slow climb to the drop of a roller coaster… I guess. If you know me you know I will never get on a roller coaster – EVER – but I can only assume it’s the same level of excitement and uncertainty.

Public transportation in Venice consists of water taxis with stops around the island. No rental cars or actual taxis are allowed making the wide-open “streets” even more interesting and adventuresome.

Annalina made a great point with this question: “I can cross the road and not worry about cars?” Yes! So – we opted to take this island by foot and enjoy every inch.

It was like everything I imagined it would be. Water is in sight anywhere you look. Buildings come out of the water and boats are parked like cars. There are mini-bridges left and right so you can get to the other side of the “block” and clothes are hanging out to dry from the windows above. It is easy to get lost since there are so many twists and turns with little “street signs” that seem hidden, but it all just adds to the adventure.

The heart of Venice is St. Mark’s Square – “Piazza San Marco”. One of the city’s largest open spaces, the square is surrounded by several attractions including the most popular St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace

The church of St. Mark’s Basilica is the one must-do here and we split our group up when entering so one group could hold the other’s belongings to keep to the rule prohibiting luggage and backpacks inside. There are a few other rules too. Knees and shoulders must be covered but cover-ups can be brought for a couple euros at the door so no one is left out. Also not allowed are photos and even sitting on the stairs that surround the church. The rules may seem overbearing enough to make you not want to visit, but I assure you they will quickly be forgotten when you see the inside of this beautiful, historical church in its entirety.

The best views of Venice can be had from the famous Rialto Bridge – one of the oldest bridges in Venice – that spans across the Grand Canal. With shops and restaurants on either end and gondolas and boats running beneath, you will never forget what this marvelous city looks like from here.

Of course I have to mention the gondolas, right? While this is truly a sight in itself with gondolier’s dressed in their striped shirt and matching hat with colored band, the cost of €80 for a half-hour ride was a bit pricy for our liking, especially since hearing them sing cost extra. Even though this is a bucket list item within a bucket list item for most, we were fine with just watching and listening as they cruised past while we sang our own rendition of “That’s Amore”!

Italians know their pasta and gelato so it goes without saying that we indulged whenever and wherever possible. Although we had marked some favorites to try, it was impossible not to get lured in by the smells and sights that surprised us when twisting and turning down the endless streets we walked.

We were definitely impressed with our visit to Venice. Walking through what feels like a real life painting will be a memory we’ll never forget. If you are thinking of going, don’t let the negative comments discourage you. Those will all be quickly forgotten as you enjoy the food and take in the beauty of this incredible island city.

One thought on “Venice, Italy

  • Cici January 3, 2021 at 2:24 pm Reply

    Venice! I’m sure it’s on everybody’s bucket list! Seems amazing! If I hear of anybody visiting those places in the future, I’ll address them to your page for sure!

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